“Spegelsalen” is an adaptation of Liv Strömquist’s new graphic novel, “Inne i Spegelsalen” from 2021. The performance takes inspiration from the themes and characters appearing in the novel, treating the subjects of beauty, it’s impermanence and exploitation in a comedic and musical way.
The performance language was Swedish and English.
Premiere: December 8th 2023 - TeaK, Helsinki
Directing: Hallveig Kristín Eiríksdóttir
Choreographic assistant: Vigdís Birna Grétarsdóttir
Performers: Ida Kronholm, Tobias Klemets, Alexandra Gustafsson, Sini Onne
Sound Design and Composition: Tuuli Kainulainen
Scenography and Costume Design: Ruusa Johansson
Dramaturgy: Taika Martikainen
Lighting Design: Aju Jurvanen
Make-up artist: Riitta Sinkkonen-Saarela